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DTG Products
We are capable of printing at a maximum of 14x16 inches. Each product will have its own printable design area depending on the size and shape of the product. Keep in mind that the print size will automatically scale depending on the size and style of the product.
We will not be able to process designs that are overly intricate for embroidery.
NOTE:Design may be simplified without notice to seller or customer. See samples below.
We suggest using a simplified design with no more than a 2 color gradient (it will still look like solid colors not a true gradient).
Stick to fonts that are larger than .18 inches in height, solid font (no distressed fonts if smaller than 1”), No drop shadow or outlines around the text if it is smaller than .5 inches in height.
NOTE:Distressed fonts may be simplified without notice to the seller or customer.
Make sure to fill all objects containing negative space under .2”W x .2”H (transparencies) with a solid color. Leaving objects with negative space in your design will produce poor results. reviews all logo uploads and will notify you within 24-48 hours only if there is an issue with your logo. It is wise to carefully read this article before designing your product.
Embroidery Dimensions/Designable Area:
1st Option - Large Embroidery | 2nd Option - Small Embroidery |
4" x 4" Max | 4" x 2.4” Max |
Available on all products, except hats & beanies | Available on all products |
Great for more detailed designs | Great for less detailed designs |
Thread Colors and Design Color Specs:
1. |
Royal Blue: |
R: 0, G: 85, B: 149 |
9. |
Gray: |
R: 116, G: 125, B: 135 |
2. |
Athletic Gold: |
R: 249, G: 179, B: 36 |
10. |
Brown: |
R: 82, G: 56, B: 52 |
3. |
White: |
R: 228, G: 232, B: 255 |
11. |
Navy Blue: |
R: 46, G: 60, B: 74 |
4. |
Forest Green: |
R: 45, G: 74, B: 56 |
12. |
Black: |
R: 47, G: 48, B: 50 |
5. |
Orange: |
R: 237, G: 85, B: 46 |
13. |
Kelly Green: |
R: 0, G: 124, B: 73 |
6. |
Columbia Blue: |
R: 59, G: 123, B: 176 |
14. |
Maroon: |
R: 108, G: 47, B: 65 |
7. |
Red: |
R: 180, G: 34, B: 50 |
15. |
Silver: |
R: 169, G: 176, B: 177 |
8. |
Purple: |
R: 106, G: 85, B: 149 |
16. |
Old Gold: |
R: 202, G: 140, B: 63 |
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